Thursday, December 23, 2010

Wearing your heart on your sleeve is dangerous...

Back at it again :) what's good world?

Popeye the sailor man is a cartoon character famous for the large tumors in his forearms and eating spinach. He is also very famous for saying "I yam what I yam". Or can be translated into I am who I am.  Who am I exactly? The answer to that question is of course very complex. But I will take a stab at it...

I am probably the most immature mature person you will ever met. When we first meet, you might think wow this kid is a serious goofball. A lot of my acquaintances don't take me serious at all but what you first see is only one complex layer to my very BIG personality. Once you really get to know me you will be surprise that the raw and uncut Brian is a very serious person. You will also find that I rarely have any ulterior motives. I try to pride myself on being honest and with me you will know where you stand. I am as real as it gets, with that being said...

Never compromise.

From time to time I find myself in situations with girls where I think to myself if I just acted a certain way they would like me a lot better. But I can't do it, even if I tried to. I am not a chameleon. Is it better to be real or flatter? Honesty I would think the straight forward approach I like to take is better but it is not. I just don't like to play games. But it has been my experience that girls like the games, they rather the uncertainty a wild card guy might present. They like projects. A guy they feel that they might be the one girl that changes their life. But nobody changes unless they really want to.

So why is it that wearing your heart on your sleeve is dangerous? That is actually very easy to answer. There is simply a lot of people who just don't care. They don't care whether or not they accidentally bump into it. They don't care if they crush it. They don't care if your feelings get hurt. A lot of times they don't even recognize what they are doing but at the same time it does not make it right. Wearing your heart on your sleeve is like when a dog let's someone rub their stomach. The stomach is the most vulnerable part of a dog's body, but unlike dogs my stomach isn't always rubbed the right way.

"I yam what I yam"

Peace and happiness to all :)

Humbly yours,

Brian J

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

My tight circle...

What's good readers?

For the faithful readers who have actually been checking in on a regular basis I am sorry for such a long gap in between blog posts. Things just got really busy with the Thanksgiving holiday and a lot of other things...

Trust me when I say that A LOT has happened over the last week, there are so many things that have happened since I last wrote a blog. I have a million different things that I can write about but I think I will start with one of the most important things. Blood is thicker than water, but you could never survive without water. I run a very tight circle when it comes to my friends. Actually I like to think of us as the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles...

In most situations, I am the voice of reason. I also try to be the level headed one of our group. Even though the advice I give isn't always taken, it is always given. The guide of the group. Not to toot my own horn, but out of all of us I seem to know what the best thing to do is. I am the leader... I would be Leonardo. But enough about me, this post is about my brothers.

My first brother would be the most compulsive one of the group, he tends to do the really stupid things that usually get us into the most trouble. About 95% of the bad ideas we find ourselves carrying out are his. Looking at our group from the outside in you would think, and actually a lot of people ask, "Why are you still friends with him?" Sometimes I don't know, but he is my brother. And I know he will stand by my side as will I stand by his. I don't always agree with the things he does. But if I was heads on a coin, he would be tails, the most opposing force to Leonardo.  There are a lot of situations where I try to not let my emotions get the best of me but I can count on this brother to take it upon himself to act on the feelings which I sometimes can't express. My brother Raphael.

Then there's the driver of the party wagon, the life of the party in most cases. The guy that when you see him, you know he is having a good time. Even though he might appear to be an airhead at times, there is more to him than that. He might not always be paying attention to what is going on but I know he will always have my back. My oldest and one of my most reliable friends. As Leonardo I do not ask for much from my brothers but I know that if I needed anything at all, this brother would try his best to help out. He is as loyal to me as the days are long, I can always count on him to stand on my side. There isn't anything he wouldn't do for me and there isn't anything I could think of that I wouldn't do for him. So cowabunga to my brother Michelangelo.

So last but most certainly not least is my reserved and soft spoken brother, Mr. Nice guy. There shouldn't be a single person on this planet who would not be able to get along with him. I definitely would consider him the light side, and me the dark side, of the exact same brain. We analyze things in the same way and there isn't a single thing that we can't talk about and have a really good laugh. He really does know how to make light of any situation. One of the best friends a guy can truly have. He may be forgetful at times but when you need him to come through for you, then he has got your back por vida. If I met any of my three brothers for the first time today, this brother would be the easiest one to click with. The brother that Leonardo looks to clear his head in a tough situation, to put a smile on his face no matter what he's going through. Meet my brother Donatello.

So there you have it, my tight circle, the brothers that I personally know as the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. This last week has brought a lot of trials and tribulation and I am so very grateful to call those three my brothers. Through thick and thin... And whatever life might throw at us.

Peace and happiness to all :)

Humbly yours,

Brian J

edited by Raphael

Monday, November 22, 2010

If God had a dick, you would suck it...

"Hey Richy, what is your philosophy on religion?"

*Richy gestures to Tom*

"Well I'm not an agnostic bitch, If God showed Tom his dick I bet he would believe... I bet he would suck it too."

Whenever I think about all the religious affiliation that a person can belong to that conversation above always pops into my head. One because it's hilarious, and two because it defiantly has an element of truth to it. Before I continue with the very gray area that this subjects presents, I just want to say, don't judge my friend Richy too hard for what he said. He was drunk when we had this conversation and doesn't really remember saying it. Honestly, Richy is not that insensitive to others feelings, unless he is drunk.

So what religion would I fall under? That is a very easy question for me to answer. I believe what the Bible says. Period. Now I'm going to try and keep this as simple as possible, because to break it down would be too complicated.

When it comes to faith, there are a million different questions that can be really difficult to answer sometimes. I'm not Jesus so defending him is a challenge, after all, I am merely a follower. I mean shit, there are questions that I myself don't know the answer to. One of my biggest concerns is that there hasn't been one single person on Earth that has died and come back to say "Well yup the Bible is right, believe what it says." It would be a hell of a lot easier if they did. Who is the Messiah? Jesus? Buddha? Mohammad? Which one is the right religion to believe in?  No individual has any absolute proof as to which one is correct. It's simply about what they believe. So what puts all my anxiety to rest?

I walk by faith, not by sight.

This post isn't about converting the non believers or to prove that I'm right and you're wrong. This is America after all, and you're allowed to believe whatever it is that you want. This is simply me stating what it is that I believe, and trying to do it in the easiest  way possible without offending anyone. Actually, I think that I am one of the most accepting people that you could ever met. I have a very high tolerance level. I have many friends who drink and smoke but I do not take part in either one, ever. But I'm not going to judge anyone for the things that they like to do. I am not God and I won't pretend to be. It's just the way I think, I won't take a hit of your cigarette or a sip of your beer. And in return, I won't try to force you to believe what I believe. You do you, and I'll do me.

This post really didn't exactly accomplish what I wanted it to. I didn't get to express what I wanted to for you tonight. I wanted to break down a little of what it is that I believe. But I guess I will save that for a later post. I hope you gained something from this or at least had a little fun reading it. :)

Peace and happiness to all :)

Humbly yours,

Brian J

edited by Thomas Manton

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Spreading my wings part one...

Supp playas??

This is part one in a... I actually don't know how many parts this is going to end up being but I thought if I was going to do a series, it should be about something really important to me. Due in large part to financial woes, I am currently not attending college. But as an alternative I have decided to join the Air Force.

In all my 19 years of living on this earth, I have come to the conclusion that this is indefinitely true; life does NOT care about your plans. When you're up to bat, there is no way to know what life will pitch you next. It could be anything from a fast ball, curve ball, change up, or even a slider. There isn't any way to anticipate what will happen next. One of my favorite movies of all time is Forrest Gump. If there's one thing you should take away from that movie it's that his Momma was right all along. "Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what your gonna get."

If a military recruiter asked me two or three years ago if I was interested in signing up for the armed services. I would have laughed. Me? In the army? Or the navy? Or any service for that matter. Graduating from high school was so far from my mind at that time but things change. What I failed to understand then was that after high school, the training wheels come off, things are not as easy as they once were. I would love to go to college and start getting my life together. But its not that simple. And like I said before, life doesn't care about the plans I have. There are a lot of different avenues I could go down. But at this juncture in my life, I think that the Air Force is the best thing I can choose for myself.

When I tell people I'm going to join the Air Force they usually give me the uh oh look. Come on people, relax. I'm not going to jail and I'm not dying. While there is the possibility of me having to go to war, that doesn't mean that it will happen. Any job I can get as a civilian I can also get in the Air Force. And even though at this current point I don't know what I will be doing while serving, trust me, I will be aiming for anything other then the battlefield.

I'm afraid.

Not so much about going to war because I'm pretty confident that it won't happen. Not even the physical trials and tribulations of basic training. I'm more concerned with who will Brian Cummings be when it is all said and done? Now I know that something has to give. There's no way I will be exactly the same, that's a given. But how much will I lose? How will my loved ones react to who I have become. I don't want to compromise who I truly am, and I believe I won't for the most part. I want to promise that I will be who you know me to be. But people change, circumstances change, nothing will ever always be the same. So in the end it would be an empty promise.

So I think that pretty much sums up part one of this series so please stay tuned for the next installment. The next post won't necessarily be about this topic but I hope you read it anyways. And I hope my blog gives you some food for thought. Or at least keeps you entertained. :)

Peace and happiness to all :)

Humbly yours,

Brian J

edited by Thomas Manton

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Let me formally introduce myself...

Good evening world,

My name is Thomas J, and I am the Chief Editor here at TBBYEG. For those of you who don't know, I am also Brian's close friend. Our friendship has been a long one, and like most, it's had it's ups and downs. We have been through a lot together over the past six years, from talking bullshit and getting up to no good in the early hours of the morning, to helping each other through personal shit we couldn't deal with by ourselves. Now Brian will probably read this and ask, "When have we ever helped each other? All we do is talk shit." but I think that on some level, we have.

I agree with him in the sense that the majority of what we do is talk shit. But there are times when our conversations go beyond the usual nonsense. Mainly when we've had enough of dissing one another or after an interesting night, we'll talk for two or three hours about what's actually happening in our lives. For me, Brian has been my "Moral compass" for the past three years. He always seems to know what the right thing to do is. Now I'm not saying I listen to him every time, in fact, I probably only take his advice every once in a while. I realize now that this was a mistake, since not taking his advice has led to pointless drama, people getting hurt, and bridges being burnt.

My behavior and attitude have always gotten me into trouble, with my parents, teachers, and even friends. Only the ones who the know the real me seem to stick around, and I understand when others flee. I may be rude, infuriating, and just a downright asshole at times, but that's not who I really am. That's just the Thomas Manton I want people to see. Why? I honestly couldn't tell you. Maybe it's just a false bravado, maybe it's because I tried to be the "good guy" once, and all I did was get burnt. Who knows, maybe I really am an asshole and I'm making this all up. You'd have to ask Brian. He seems to be the ONLY person who sees through my bullshit no matter what.

There you have it, an introduction to me, Thomas J. Brian's best friend, Chief Editor and Creative Genius. On a final note, I would like to encourage everyone who reads this to stop with the mindless crap they post online sometimes. Because I'm getting sick of reading it. I hope you enjoyed my little guest post. Maybe I'll be back next week with some more boring shit you can waste your time reading. Or maybe I'll make my own blog? Nah, FUCK THAT. That shit's so lame. The only reason I'm editing Brian's blog is because it's straight fire, and we are going straight to the top. Watch out Perez Hilton, we're going to be right on your ass, but hey, you'd probably like that wouldn't you? Anyways, I'm out. Keep reading our bullshit, it only gets better.



edited by Nobody Motherfucka

"It's Funny," a sonnet by Brian J...

Hey there!

There are a million different things that I could talk about tonight... but eh. I'm not really feeling it. The creative spark in me is not leading to any subject in particular. So I'll just give it a break tonight. But I do want to leave you with something to read. I always thought it would be cool to write a sonnet so I did. On May 12th 2010. I will share it with you tonight. 

This poem isn't about anything going on in my life at moment, it was born out of a situation that happened a while ago. But the great thing about good poetry is that after a writer is done with it, the poem will take on a life of it's own. I read this poem now, and I laugh because I think I was just way too serious for everything that actually happened. So I hope you enjoy it...

This poem is not funny or easily bought
Avert your eyes if it does not matter.
I will only inquire one simple thought
Better to be real or just to flatter.

What is it that I don't have or lack of?
You're the carbon copy paper on a nightstand.
Patience and effort, a courtroom, no judge
The new accessory on a man's hand.

Forget me, forget you, and screw it all
The fog has set, your eyes are so blurry.
Complex, difficult, not so easy to solve
Three pick up lines and you're in a hurry.

First I am your friend, always just a friend
Lover? No, hell no, never ever in the end.

Peace and Happiness to all :)

Humbly yours,

Brian J

edited by Thomas Manton

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Shit MY dad says...

Hello faithful readers!

Just to clear the air this post has nothing to do with the TV show that has the same title as tonight's blog post. They are totally unrelated. I haven't actually ever seen the show nor have I read the book or the original blog. This post is honestly about some shit my dad said to me.

What's really been odd to me about this past week is that because it was so busy between work and hanging out with friends, I didn't see my dad at all until Sunday. Which is unheard of in our household. And if you know my dad then you know he can talk. I mean really talk. To him it must be some sort of art form. Once he has got a hold of you there is no turning back. If the opposing party in the senate is about to pass a bill and you need some one to filibuster. Call my daddy, he's got your back.

So when my dad gets started on one of his lectures I do what anyone would do. I zone out, almost completely. I start thinking about important things. Like what am I going to eat or what time the game starts. And he will defiantly talk about something he has said to you before. But what is interesting with our last encounter is that I actually got something from it...

"Waste not, need not. What you waste today you will need tomorrow."

We were on the subject of spending your money wisely and that quote says a lot to me, because for one, I do waste a lot, and two, it does bite you in the end. Have you ever passed on eating that extra fry, to only realize later when your hungry you want it now? Another thing he hit on was that it is a lot easier to spend your money than it is to save. He also tied it all into being prepared. Don't wait until your hungry to cook, cook so when you are hungry you can eat. It's the same way you won't wait til the rent is due to get a job. When rent is due, it is due. If you don't have the money then your ass is out on the streets.

"Money loves company."

Money does not belong in a poor man's pocket, it belongs in the bank. Money wants to be with all the other money. You ever notice that when you have cash it tends to disappear a lot faster than when it is in the bank? I honestly don't even understand where all my money goes sometimes. It's like itching powder in your pockets, it will claw and tear until it finds a way out.

So I hope you liked the little bit of advice my dad shared with me that I have passed on to you. If you think this was on the lengthy side trust me this was only 10% of what I got from my father. And it's a nice change of pace from what I've been currently writing about. So please stay tuned, I will tackle even bigger issues tomorrow! (Maybe)

Peace and happiness to all :)

Humbly yours,

Brian J

edited by Thomas Manton

Monday, November 15, 2010

I'm not about that whatever...

Helllooooo, how goes it?

While one night stands are cool and everything, and hooking up with chicks at the club is a lot of fun, I came to the conclusion that I myself am not about that whatever. What does that mean exactly?

I have gotten into situations where I was just fooling it, you know, just messing around. Not really taking things seriously with the ladies. But I don't think that's the case for me anymore. Overall, I don't like doing things just to do them.  I like to say what I mean, and mean what I say.

There are a lot of gray areas in life and a lot of questions that don't always have a right answer.  A lot of situations where the right answer isn't always clear. I hate that about life. The right choice, or the wrong choice?  It drives me crazy that things aren't always black and white. Like gay marriage, abortions, the mosque being built at Ground Zero, a whole bunch of shit. But those are not the points I want to hit on tonight, I'll save those subjects for a different post.

One point that I hope to drive home for you tonight is this. That when I am interested in someone, that it is more than just sex. It's more than just whatever I can get out of you in a single night. I am obviously not a perfect person. Lines may get crossed and it might end up being just a one night thing.  And if it does, then I am sorry. But if that is what you wanted, then I hope you enjoyed the ride. So with that being said...

I liked you before, and I still like you now. 

A lot has happened in a few short weeks. Maybe we didn't start off on the right foot, and I may still have doubts but even though this goes against my better judgment, I simply don't care.

I might not understand what goes on inside of your head yet, 
and I may not be able to see the world through your eyes, 
but half hazel, half green doesn't sound that bad, 
so I will take a leap of faith, and I'll try.

I know that if I don't give it a chance, I'll regret giving up in the end. Who likes a quitter anyways?

Peace and happiness to all :)

Humbly yours,

Brian J

edited by Thomas Manton

Sunday, November 14, 2010

A word from the editor...

Due to lame default settings on, our humble host, you were required to either log in to Google or create an account to post a comment. As of right now, those restrictions have been removed and anyone can comment to their hearts content. Please feel free to do so, we would love to hear some feedback from our "faithful readers."



Here we go again...

"...I kinda want to be more than friends"

Man I really like that song, I think Neon Trees did a pretty good job with that one. And it kind of ties into what I was thinking of today.

I think sometimes in high school and in life in general things gets blown out of proportion, sometimes things end up going to places you didn't really plan on them going. Of course when I look back at it now, I can kind of laugh at it. I myself was not big on drama in high school, I rarely got myself in sticky situations but if you asked me... there was one situation that really did stick out in my mind. Now I'm not going to bore you with all the details, and I don't want to open up old wounds. But it is safe to say that all parties involved are over it and we actually are cool with each other now. But this is what I actually want to talk about... and don't get me wrong this isn't based on any changes I have seen with anyone, just merely a what if situation.

What if you really cared about a person? I mean legitimately liked the person in question and let's just say for whatever reason, things didn't work out. And I mean really didn't work out, that things got sour and then continue to go downhill. And ended in the worse possible fashion, hence the high school "blowing out of proportion" paragraph. What if now that years have gone by and apologies have been made, that person has come to the conclusion that they might have made a mistake. They now realize that you were the best person they could have had but they didn't just go for it because their mind was clouded at the time. And don't get me wrong that isn't the situation I am in now. Just something I was thinking about...

If that is the case, what do you do in that situation? Does this count as a second time around? I mean I am all for second chances but don't you think that ship set sail a long time ago? I don't know, it is a very weird situation to say the least. It should be a no brainer, but I don't think things in life are ever that simple.

Let's say a dog owner prepared tacos for himself one night. Everyone who has ever owned a dog in the history of mankind knows that dogs would rather eat what we eat, and not the food we give them. So if those tacos were left unattended then the dog will of course try to eat them. The owner of the dog would then punish the dog. So when tacos are made the next time, even though the dog wants to eat them and will try it's best to eat one, the situation is a little bit different because of what happened before. Of course the dog wants the tacos but because it was punished the first time, it will become more reluctant to try again.

"What are you waitin' for? What are you waitin' for? Say goodbye to my heart tonight"

Peace and happiness to all :)

Humbly yours,

Brian J

edited by Thomas Manton

Friday, November 12, 2010

I just haven't met you yet...

What'ssss S-Ooooooo G- double O- D good!

So based on the title of the blog someone might think this post is about a girl? Well yes and no, yea it actually is about a girl but then again no. Just like the title implies, I haven't met this girl yet or maybe I have? Who the fuck knows?

What brought on this subject doesn't actually have anything to do what is going on in my life right now, it stems from what I was thinking about today. And that was that I don't understand when a girl says to me, "Ohh your not my type." Like what does that mean exactly? Because when that is said to me, I automatically think to myself 'Well I'm not a dog, I'm a person. How can I not be your type' or ' Well I'm not donating blood to you so what does a type have to do with it?' Then when I ask what is your type? Probably nine times out of ten i get an answer that makes no sense to me.

For example, one time back in high school I was talking to this chick and not even on a I want to be more then friends basis. It was more of just having a conversation and we got to that question. Hey, what is your type? Or the question may of been, What kinda guys do you like to date? And her response was "I only date Cuban guys." My follow up question of course being why? And all she could really say was " I don't know, there is just something about them." Which to me means absolutely nothing.

But putting the glove on the other hand, if you were to ask me the same question. And I'm not going to lie it would be difficult to answer. I think Murphy Lee answers it pretty well for me in his verse of the song, Shake Ya Tailfeather...

"Yo, I'm the big booty type
I like 'em thick with they mind right (Awe)
Banging personality conversate when the time right (Naw)"

:D No but really, if someone was to ask me that question, I would probably say that I would have to be physically attracted to the girl in question. But with that being said that doesn't mean she has to be black, Asian, Hispanic, white, or anything else for that matter. I'm going to be honest, I am a shallow person. But isn't everybody? I have to be attracted to someone if I'm going to be talking to them like that. But at the same time you've gotta have something going on in your head, I can't date a girl dumber than a box of rocks. So it's the looks that catch my attention, but then it's what kind of person you are that convinces me to stick around.

But a HUGE thing that i wish a lot more girls had is modesty. But don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to knock on someone else's lifestyle or look down on decisions that they made. I totally get that girls just wanna have fun. Am I right? I know its not fair, that when a guy is promiscuous he is a stud, but if a girl is she is a slut. But hey that is a classic double standard for you. Why modesty? Well... Because... I'm just going to admit it...

I am a Virgin.

Yea I said it, and yea you read that right. Why? I kinda don't know. When I'm thinking with my other 'head' of course I just want to get it over with and have the experience. I mean from what I've heard, Sex is pretty amazing. And if that was the only head I thought with, then trust me I wouldn't be one. But when I think with the head on my shoulders... God this is going to sound lame. I think it is kinda cool to wait til marriage. I bet that any guy reading this is like what the fuck? But check this out. The idea that when I get married I am her first, her last, and her only. That she is all mine, heart, body, and soul. That there isn't a another guy she can compare me to. And fair is fair, I can't look for a girl like that if I can't offer her the exact same thing. I bet sex is amazing, but a love of that magnitude can't be trumped by anything.

So that is all for tonight...

Peace and happiness to all :)

Humbly yours,

Brian J

edited by Thomas Manton

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Shirley Temples all around...

Hey there readers,  I will just jump right into it.

I would be a lying if I told you I had an awesome night, that my night went super swell, or that it was even OK, truth be told, my night was super lameeeeee and here's why.

I've come to the conclusion that Club Ultra can be really lame sometimes, not that I've never had fun there before but tonight was... for lack of better words, really bad. At one point tonight I really thought that I was back in 8th grade and it was one of those dances that were so cool back then. If I wanted to I could of counted all the people there on two hands. Come on Naples we've got to do better than that. People talk so much shit about how boring this place is but everyone is too cool to come out to the club. But hey, if that's the case, you should come out with a group of fun people. The people you surround yourself with can make your night that much better.

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you planned to do something with a group but ended up hanging out with just your friend Tom? Yupppp that would be this guy. But thank you Tom for coming, I knew you didn't want to go in the first place but if you didn't I would be masterdating (look it up on Urban Dictionary) with a group, and honestly? That shit is fucking lame, I've never even heard of such a thing.

As far as this night goes I do want to mention one more thing... well actually I don't want to talk about it but it is my blog and I'm supposed to express how I feel so what the fuck. The girl that I've mentioned in previous posts is... I don't even know what to say because I can't even be mad. I honestly don't have anything to be mad about, I understood the situation. I'm not her boyfriend, so why does it matter? Just know that everything I said before is completely irrelevant now. We don't want anyone getting too excited right? God forbid, I'm not an eight year old child on Christmas Eve.

So moving on, my next subject is a lot sadder, because it affects other people on an even larger scale. I think it actually trumps any of my feeble problems.

Today I was watching Dexter's Laboratory and I must say that show is the shit. It's more hilarious now than it ever was before. But anyways, while I was watching the show I saw a commercial that urges kids to stop bullying in their schools. It didn't really mean much at the time until later on that day at work.

I work at Sweetbay, and today I was having a conversation with a co-worker that is actually close to my age. I don't know how it got to this but she was talking about her days back in school and man it got rough. I rarely ever feel awkward when talking to people but she really made me feel odd. Kids in school used to call her trailer trash. That's an awfully mean thing to call someone, even if they do live in a trailer. I didn't even want to hear what else people called her. Honestly? How can you dislike a person so much that you persecute them in such a heartless fashion? Do people really find joy in dismantling a person's feelings? I could never do it. I won't lie, I make fun of people and I even talk about people behind their backs but I never go to such a cruel extent.

The reason why I said it was on a larger scale is because a while ago, I read a story about a girl who was bullied to death. A girl took her own life because the people around her acted like a pack of beady eyed vultures. That's sick, for people who call ourselves 'humans,' we're really just animals. And recently I read a similar story about two different guys in two different states who took their own lives because of bullying.

Whatever sick satisfaction someone gets from hurting another is NOT worth a person's life.

So if you bully other people, cut it out. Whatever dumb grudge that's festering inside of you, it's not worth it. I don't know of a reason that is ever worth it so just LET IT GO.

Even with a bit of a bitter taste in my mouth, I will still, and always will, leave you with this...

Peace and happiness to all :)

Humbly yours,

Brian J

edited by Thomas Manton

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Womp, womp, womp... :/

Hellllooooo readers!

Well if you read the last post then you should be dying with anticipation on how my night went tonight... well it was OK. I can not say it was amazing because when plans don't go according to plan your night will most likely end up decent at best. But it wasn't a total disaster, I can honestly say that I had fun. PHOTO SHOOT ON THE BEACH! :D.

So I totally went all out and wore green today, and i looked good for the cute girl I mentioned in my last post. I think its fair to say that she's a little bit more than cute ;) so that is always a plus, kudos. And helllooooo if your reading this, I'm very sure you know who YOU are. I wore green today and you have half an eye for green, I hope it becomes a full one :). GOD I HATE NAPLES!... well sometimes.

This place is like Children of the Corn but the children are old people and at least children can run a descent farm. There's nothing to do in this place, I swear. The only two clubs within reach of this dead beat place are both CLOSED! How's a nigga supposed to get jiggy with it? On the dance floor is where I make my money.

But the thought that is so funny to me right now is that despite what I just stated, I love this place. I don't ever say this but even though I was born and raised in Miami, Naples is my home. And I really am going to miss this place when the time comes for me to leave. The best memories I have are in this shit hole and hell, the worse memories are here too. But shit, you've got to take the good with the bad right?

Whoa enough of the sad shit, I cant wait to go to the club tomorrow. It's going to be sssssiiiiiccccckkkkk. Well I hope, what tends to happen is I set my expectations really high and then they come tumbling down. But I don't think things are going to go that way at all, it's actually a weird feeling. I guess when things don't go your way for so long it becomes normal, its like clock work. If I died today, not even 10% of what I would like to do for myself would be accomplished. Epic fail. Epic fail in it's highest regard. But I've got plenty of time right? Instant gratification can be a real bitch ey? But that's what our world is coming to nowadays. How fast can I get it? If I can get it here, I'll get it here. But if I can get it there, then I'll go over there. Patience is key. But it's hard when you feel like your running out of time. All Time Low said it the best. "I want to be weightless, and that be should enough." But it won't be...
Well not anymore, I'm aiming for straight fire. I think I have been patiently waiting for too long. But for what? My life will begin, my wings will spread, and I will take flight. I'm not exactly sure about my destination but it will be far, far away from shitty old Naples. I will become someone or something but I just haven't figured it out yet.

The world is my playground, and I am like a kid in a candy store. But I used to work in a candy store, and it's NOTHING like that!

Peace and happiness to all :)

Humbly yours,

Brian J

edited by Thomas Manton

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Exicted... :D

Ahh post # 2.

Let the goooood times roll.

Tonight is going to be a good night. Do you ever get that feeling when things just come together and nothing could go wrong? Well I feel like that right now. I do have to work today but its whatever, I kind of like living the Sweetbay dream. But more importantly, what I've got on deck tonight is a cute girl and night full of dancing. And when you put those two things together, how could it not be fun?

So at times like this, what do you wear? I've got to make a good impression right? I really do want to impress this chick, so I think I'll fall back on my favorite color; the color green. It's been my favorite color since like the 4th grade. And real talk? Whenever green touches this body its straight fire. If your not sure what straight fire means you should look up the definition here, the one posted by downtime21. When we meet tonight, I think she might like what she sees :)

So basically now I'm just counting down the minutes until 10 tonight, I just really hope she isn't a flagger :P but we will see what happens, wish me luck.

On a different note, I don't think I'm blogging correctly so my next post may be a little bit different from my previous ones, so please stay tuned.

I will leave you with this reader... because it's what I used last time and I will probably end up signing all of my blogs like this.

Peace and happiness to all :)

Humbly yours,

Brian J

edited by Thomas Manton

The first of many (I hope)...

OK so, the very first blog...


As you can see this is my first crack at this but I think I've got this whole blog writing thing down.  I would like to start by introducing myself, the name is Cummings. Brian J Cummings to be exact.

Basically I have started this blog because I thought it would be cool to have one, and my friend Tom swears he knows everything about me and I would love to prove him wrong. So I would just like to say... I fucked your sister! OK so I'm just kidding about that, I just thought it would be cool to say.

To be honest I really do have a lot to say but nothing to say all at the same time, if that at makes and sense to you at all. But what I am really hoping for is that this won't just be a waste time and that I actually keep up with this damn thing. I guess we will see. I have a lot to share with the world. Some things interesting and others not so much...

This is where I will end this test run. First of all, I am tired, and second, Tom is getting restless. After all I am in his room blogging at like 3am when he has to work early tomorrow morning.

So faithful reader I will end with this...

I don't know what to end with,

So I guess the most fitting thing to say is,

Peace and happiness to all :)

Peace is better than war. Even though war can seem exciting at times, peace is what everyone should strive for. And happiness? Well because we all want it, and everyone deserves to pursue it.

Humbly yours,

Brian J

edited by Thomas Manton