Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Shit MY dad says...

Hello faithful readers!

Just to clear the air this post has nothing to do with the TV show that has the same title as tonight's blog post. They are totally unrelated. I haven't actually ever seen the show nor have I read the book or the original blog. This post is honestly about some shit my dad said to me.

What's really been odd to me about this past week is that because it was so busy between work and hanging out with friends, I didn't see my dad at all until Sunday. Which is unheard of in our household. And if you know my dad then you know he can talk. I mean really talk. To him it must be some sort of art form. Once he has got a hold of you there is no turning back. If the opposing party in the senate is about to pass a bill and you need some one to filibuster. Call my daddy, he's got your back.

So when my dad gets started on one of his lectures I do what anyone would do. I zone out, almost completely. I start thinking about important things. Like what am I going to eat or what time the game starts. And he will defiantly talk about something he has said to you before. But what is interesting with our last encounter is that I actually got something from it...

"Waste not, need not. What you waste today you will need tomorrow."

We were on the subject of spending your money wisely and that quote says a lot to me, because for one, I do waste a lot, and two, it does bite you in the end. Have you ever passed on eating that extra fry, to only realize later when your hungry you want it now? Another thing he hit on was that it is a lot easier to spend your money than it is to save. He also tied it all into being prepared. Don't wait until your hungry to cook, cook so when you are hungry you can eat. It's the same way you won't wait til the rent is due to get a job. When rent is due, it is due. If you don't have the money then your ass is out on the streets.

"Money loves company."

Money does not belong in a poor man's pocket, it belongs in the bank. Money wants to be with all the other money. You ever notice that when you have cash it tends to disappear a lot faster than when it is in the bank? I honestly don't even understand where all my money goes sometimes. It's like itching powder in your pockets, it will claw and tear until it finds a way out.

So I hope you liked the little bit of advice my dad shared with me that I have passed on to you. If you think this was on the lengthy side trust me this was only 10% of what I got from my father. And it's a nice change of pace from what I've been currently writing about. So please stay tuned, I will tackle even bigger issues tomorrow! (Maybe)

Peace and happiness to all :)

Humbly yours,

Brian J

edited by Thomas Manton


  1. "So when my dad gets started on one of his lectures I do what anyone would do. I zone out, almost completely. I start thinking about important things. Like what am I going to eat or what time the game starts."


  2. smart dad!!


  3. lol you would say that ashely :) Thanks for reading it.
