Thursday, November 18, 2010

Let me formally introduce myself...

Good evening world,

My name is Thomas J, and I am the Chief Editor here at TBBYEG. For those of you who don't know, I am also Brian's close friend. Our friendship has been a long one, and like most, it's had it's ups and downs. We have been through a lot together over the past six years, from talking bullshit and getting up to no good in the early hours of the morning, to helping each other through personal shit we couldn't deal with by ourselves. Now Brian will probably read this and ask, "When have we ever helped each other? All we do is talk shit." but I think that on some level, we have.

I agree with him in the sense that the majority of what we do is talk shit. But there are times when our conversations go beyond the usual nonsense. Mainly when we've had enough of dissing one another or after an interesting night, we'll talk for two or three hours about what's actually happening in our lives. For me, Brian has been my "Moral compass" for the past three years. He always seems to know what the right thing to do is. Now I'm not saying I listen to him every time, in fact, I probably only take his advice every once in a while. I realize now that this was a mistake, since not taking his advice has led to pointless drama, people getting hurt, and bridges being burnt.

My behavior and attitude have always gotten me into trouble, with my parents, teachers, and even friends. Only the ones who the know the real me seem to stick around, and I understand when others flee. I may be rude, infuriating, and just a downright asshole at times, but that's not who I really am. That's just the Thomas Manton I want people to see. Why? I honestly couldn't tell you. Maybe it's just a false bravado, maybe it's because I tried to be the "good guy" once, and all I did was get burnt. Who knows, maybe I really am an asshole and I'm making this all up. You'd have to ask Brian. He seems to be the ONLY person who sees through my bullshit no matter what.

There you have it, an introduction to me, Thomas J. Brian's best friend, Chief Editor and Creative Genius. On a final note, I would like to encourage everyone who reads this to stop with the mindless crap they post online sometimes. Because I'm getting sick of reading it. I hope you enjoyed my little guest post. Maybe I'll be back next week with some more boring shit you can waste your time reading. Or maybe I'll make my own blog? Nah, FUCK THAT. That shit's so lame. The only reason I'm editing Brian's blog is because it's straight fire, and we are going straight to the top. Watch out Perez Hilton, we're going to be right on your ass, but hey, you'd probably like that wouldn't you? Anyways, I'm out. Keep reading our bullshit, it only gets better.



edited by Nobody Motherfucka


  1. so this post is pretty much awesome <3

  2. Tom...

    You both are awesome lol.
    I don't say that very often, and as strange as you guys are (don't take offense, I'm strange too), you guys are just as equally awesome.I like this post the most because I can relate to it. Keep writing about things people can relate to :) good work on the blogs though.
