Monday, November 22, 2010

If God had a dick, you would suck it...

"Hey Richy, what is your philosophy on religion?"

*Richy gestures to Tom*

"Well I'm not an agnostic bitch, If God showed Tom his dick I bet he would believe... I bet he would suck it too."

Whenever I think about all the religious affiliation that a person can belong to that conversation above always pops into my head. One because it's hilarious, and two because it defiantly has an element of truth to it. Before I continue with the very gray area that this subjects presents, I just want to say, don't judge my friend Richy too hard for what he said. He was drunk when we had this conversation and doesn't really remember saying it. Honestly, Richy is not that insensitive to others feelings, unless he is drunk.

So what religion would I fall under? That is a very easy question for me to answer. I believe what the Bible says. Period. Now I'm going to try and keep this as simple as possible, because to break it down would be too complicated.

When it comes to faith, there are a million different questions that can be really difficult to answer sometimes. I'm not Jesus so defending him is a challenge, after all, I am merely a follower. I mean shit, there are questions that I myself don't know the answer to. One of my biggest concerns is that there hasn't been one single person on Earth that has died and come back to say "Well yup the Bible is right, believe what it says." It would be a hell of a lot easier if they did. Who is the Messiah? Jesus? Buddha? Mohammad? Which one is the right religion to believe in?  No individual has any absolute proof as to which one is correct. It's simply about what they believe. So what puts all my anxiety to rest?

I walk by faith, not by sight.

This post isn't about converting the non believers or to prove that I'm right and you're wrong. This is America after all, and you're allowed to believe whatever it is that you want. This is simply me stating what it is that I believe, and trying to do it in the easiest  way possible without offending anyone. Actually, I think that I am one of the most accepting people that you could ever met. I have a very high tolerance level. I have many friends who drink and smoke but I do not take part in either one, ever. But I'm not going to judge anyone for the things that they like to do. I am not God and I won't pretend to be. It's just the way I think, I won't take a hit of your cigarette or a sip of your beer. And in return, I won't try to force you to believe what I believe. You do you, and I'll do me.

This post really didn't exactly accomplish what I wanted it to. I didn't get to express what I wanted to for you tonight. I wanted to break down a little of what it is that I believe. But I guess I will save that for a later post. I hope you gained something from this or at least had a little fun reading it. :)

Peace and happiness to all :)

Humbly yours,

Brian J

edited by Thomas Manton


  1. honestly, agnostics (and bisexuals) need to make up their mind. religion is based off faith and seeing whats NOT physically there. some people are easily fooled because they only see with their eyes. religion has nothing to do with empirical facts.

    isnt religion such a touchy subject? like who the hell really cares about what other people think? i see religion as just a set of rules to follow so people can help live better lives. nothing wrong with that. but when they start shoving their beliefs down other peoples throw and use it as a defense in arguements (god doesnt allow gay people) then it's stepped outta line.

    This is my view on religion.

    i believe jesus. why? he was a real person. i however do not believe in god. I consider myself a deist, religion only stays in our minds and doesnt intermingle with human affairs. (unless it's marriage) if god intended to create a peaceful/loving world, he sure as hell did fuck up big time. I see corruption everywhere i turn my head. In a way, i guess you can say humans created god instead of him creating us. after all, didnt jesus start the whole "god" topic?

    maybe taking philosophy wasnt such a waste of time after all. you do show a very articulate argument though brian. and what a good person you are.

  2. Why the fuck do I have to make up my mind? Neither side has shown enough proof that their ideas are 100% true. I don't sit on the fence because I don't have faith, I do it because I am both a logical and open minded person. I do have faith, but not in things like a second coming. I have faith in humanity, that deep down, most of us are good people that just make mistakes.

  3. There's also an argument that even if your a good person, you won't be able to go to a good place after you die because you don't believe in god. I don't need a sacred book to tell me what's right and wrong; common sense and having morality are already with me. I do believe in God but sometimes I feel "false" because I don't practice prayers or anything like everyone else who's considered religious. Oh and thanks for making fun of me Brian. lol

  4. Blogspot needs a "like" button, enough said :P
