Saturday, November 20, 2010

Spreading my wings part one...

Supp playas??

This is part one in a... I actually don't know how many parts this is going to end up being but I thought if I was going to do a series, it should be about something really important to me. Due in large part to financial woes, I am currently not attending college. But as an alternative I have decided to join the Air Force.

In all my 19 years of living on this earth, I have come to the conclusion that this is indefinitely true; life does NOT care about your plans. When you're up to bat, there is no way to know what life will pitch you next. It could be anything from a fast ball, curve ball, change up, or even a slider. There isn't any way to anticipate what will happen next. One of my favorite movies of all time is Forrest Gump. If there's one thing you should take away from that movie it's that his Momma was right all along. "Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what your gonna get."

If a military recruiter asked me two or three years ago if I was interested in signing up for the armed services. I would have laughed. Me? In the army? Or the navy? Or any service for that matter. Graduating from high school was so far from my mind at that time but things change. What I failed to understand then was that after high school, the training wheels come off, things are not as easy as they once were. I would love to go to college and start getting my life together. But its not that simple. And like I said before, life doesn't care about the plans I have. There are a lot of different avenues I could go down. But at this juncture in my life, I think that the Air Force is the best thing I can choose for myself.

When I tell people I'm going to join the Air Force they usually give me the uh oh look. Come on people, relax. I'm not going to jail and I'm not dying. While there is the possibility of me having to go to war, that doesn't mean that it will happen. Any job I can get as a civilian I can also get in the Air Force. And even though at this current point I don't know what I will be doing while serving, trust me, I will be aiming for anything other then the battlefield.

I'm afraid.

Not so much about going to war because I'm pretty confident that it won't happen. Not even the physical trials and tribulations of basic training. I'm more concerned with who will Brian Cummings be when it is all said and done? Now I know that something has to give. There's no way I will be exactly the same, that's a given. But how much will I lose? How will my loved ones react to who I have become. I don't want to compromise who I truly am, and I believe I won't for the most part. I want to promise that I will be who you know me to be. But people change, circumstances change, nothing will ever always be the same. So in the end it would be an empty promise.

So I think that pretty much sums up part one of this series so please stay tuned for the next installment. The next post won't necessarily be about this topic but I hope you read it anyways. And I hope my blog gives you some food for thought. Or at least keeps you entertained. :)

Peace and happiness to all :)

Humbly yours,

Brian J

edited by Thomas Manton


  1. dont be afraid champ. youll be something big one day.

  2. Daamn dawwwwggg, this is legit!

    Air Force sounds straight, I personally think u may not be sent to war too. Idk how that whole thing works but I gooot a feeling. It'll be hard for sure but I do think u can go through it without breaking.

    You will change, it's more so like a fact... but I think maybe the big factor will be if you end up being sent away and with all the experience that you gather from actual services, that could trigger something within you... for better, or worse?

    All I can say is that u got this, and just stride for your goal!


  3. Damn dawggGgGGGg it really means a lot to hear you gys say that. Thank you walter I truly hope that is the case one day. And yea I don't think will go at all but you never know. But Thanks, it really means a lot :)

  4. You will* do something great Brian! No matter what pitch life throws you :) We're all going to wish the best for you in the force..
    BTW- Aside from the whole Air Force mumbo jumbo, I love the movie Forrest Gump!

  5. Thanks Steph :) I really do appreciate it. And yes Forest Gump is a classic, I love that movie.

  6. well said!
    everythin happens for a reason so trust in fate, never give up and stay true to who you are.
    (: then you can never go wrong.

  7. Good luck Brian. Everybody has their own path in life. And while you may think that yours is harder than others, know that everyone goes through the same troubles regardless of how much money they have or how perfect their life may seem.

    Everyone goes through changes. Just remember to stick to your core values. Let your new experiences strengthen them. Don't be afraid of change, embrace it. Life is short man. Anything can happen. I know firsthand.

    I'm rooting for you buddy.

  8. Thank you both for reading my blog :) And I really appreciate the encouragement. Thank Sergio I will defiantly keep your advice in mind.

  9. I think were in the same position, a couple years ago, I wouldn't there try and enter the military nd here I am now goin to the marines, so I think what ever path you decide for yourself in life, even if it's not the best decision, jus try and make the best of it. i hope the Air Force go well for you.

  10. Thank you buddy, and I hope all is well with you and the marines.
