Friday, November 12, 2010

I just haven't met you yet...

What'ssss S-Ooooooo G- double O- D good!

So based on the title of the blog someone might think this post is about a girl? Well yes and no, yea it actually is about a girl but then again no. Just like the title implies, I haven't met this girl yet or maybe I have? Who the fuck knows?

What brought on this subject doesn't actually have anything to do what is going on in my life right now, it stems from what I was thinking about today. And that was that I don't understand when a girl says to me, "Ohh your not my type." Like what does that mean exactly? Because when that is said to me, I automatically think to myself 'Well I'm not a dog, I'm a person. How can I not be your type' or ' Well I'm not donating blood to you so what does a type have to do with it?' Then when I ask what is your type? Probably nine times out of ten i get an answer that makes no sense to me.

For example, one time back in high school I was talking to this chick and not even on a I want to be more then friends basis. It was more of just having a conversation and we got to that question. Hey, what is your type? Or the question may of been, What kinda guys do you like to date? And her response was "I only date Cuban guys." My follow up question of course being why? And all she could really say was " I don't know, there is just something about them." Which to me means absolutely nothing.

But putting the glove on the other hand, if you were to ask me the same question. And I'm not going to lie it would be difficult to answer. I think Murphy Lee answers it pretty well for me in his verse of the song, Shake Ya Tailfeather...

"Yo, I'm the big booty type
I like 'em thick with they mind right (Awe)
Banging personality conversate when the time right (Naw)"

:D No but really, if someone was to ask me that question, I would probably say that I would have to be physically attracted to the girl in question. But with that being said that doesn't mean she has to be black, Asian, Hispanic, white, or anything else for that matter. I'm going to be honest, I am a shallow person. But isn't everybody? I have to be attracted to someone if I'm going to be talking to them like that. But at the same time you've gotta have something going on in your head, I can't date a girl dumber than a box of rocks. So it's the looks that catch my attention, but then it's what kind of person you are that convinces me to stick around.

But a HUGE thing that i wish a lot more girls had is modesty. But don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to knock on someone else's lifestyle or look down on decisions that they made. I totally get that girls just wanna have fun. Am I right? I know its not fair, that when a guy is promiscuous he is a stud, but if a girl is she is a slut. But hey that is a classic double standard for you. Why modesty? Well... Because... I'm just going to admit it...

I am a Virgin.

Yea I said it, and yea you read that right. Why? I kinda don't know. When I'm thinking with my other 'head' of course I just want to get it over with and have the experience. I mean from what I've heard, Sex is pretty amazing. And if that was the only head I thought with, then trust me I wouldn't be one. But when I think with the head on my shoulders... God this is going to sound lame. I think it is kinda cool to wait til marriage. I bet that any guy reading this is like what the fuck? But check this out. The idea that when I get married I am her first, her last, and her only. That she is all mine, heart, body, and soul. That there isn't a another guy she can compare me to. And fair is fair, I can't look for a girl like that if I can't offer her the exact same thing. I bet sex is amazing, but a love of that magnitude can't be trumped by anything.

So that is all for tonight...

Peace and happiness to all :)

Humbly yours,

Brian J

edited by Thomas Manton


  1. I think it's really cool that you're choosing to wait until marriage :]
    I really wanted to do that, but things came up, and quite honestly, I wasn't as strong in faith as I'd like to believe... But besides that, good job!
    You're worth it, don't ever forget that :]

  2. lol thank you :) I haven't made it yet, only time will tell
