Thursday, November 11, 2010

Shirley Temples all around...

Hey there readers,  I will just jump right into it.

I would be a lying if I told you I had an awesome night, that my night went super swell, or that it was even OK, truth be told, my night was super lameeeeee and here's why.

I've come to the conclusion that Club Ultra can be really lame sometimes, not that I've never had fun there before but tonight was... for lack of better words, really bad. At one point tonight I really thought that I was back in 8th grade and it was one of those dances that were so cool back then. If I wanted to I could of counted all the people there on two hands. Come on Naples we've got to do better than that. People talk so much shit about how boring this place is but everyone is too cool to come out to the club. But hey, if that's the case, you should come out with a group of fun people. The people you surround yourself with can make your night that much better.

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you planned to do something with a group but ended up hanging out with just your friend Tom? Yupppp that would be this guy. But thank you Tom for coming, I knew you didn't want to go in the first place but if you didn't I would be masterdating (look it up on Urban Dictionary) with a group, and honestly? That shit is fucking lame, I've never even heard of such a thing.

As far as this night goes I do want to mention one more thing... well actually I don't want to talk about it but it is my blog and I'm supposed to express how I feel so what the fuck. The girl that I've mentioned in previous posts is... I don't even know what to say because I can't even be mad. I honestly don't have anything to be mad about, I understood the situation. I'm not her boyfriend, so why does it matter? Just know that everything I said before is completely irrelevant now. We don't want anyone getting too excited right? God forbid, I'm not an eight year old child on Christmas Eve.

So moving on, my next subject is a lot sadder, because it affects other people on an even larger scale. I think it actually trumps any of my feeble problems.

Today I was watching Dexter's Laboratory and I must say that show is the shit. It's more hilarious now than it ever was before. But anyways, while I was watching the show I saw a commercial that urges kids to stop bullying in their schools. It didn't really mean much at the time until later on that day at work.

I work at Sweetbay, and today I was having a conversation with a co-worker that is actually close to my age. I don't know how it got to this but she was talking about her days back in school and man it got rough. I rarely ever feel awkward when talking to people but she really made me feel odd. Kids in school used to call her trailer trash. That's an awfully mean thing to call someone, even if they do live in a trailer. I didn't even want to hear what else people called her. Honestly? How can you dislike a person so much that you persecute them in such a heartless fashion? Do people really find joy in dismantling a person's feelings? I could never do it. I won't lie, I make fun of people and I even talk about people behind their backs but I never go to such a cruel extent.

The reason why I said it was on a larger scale is because a while ago, I read a story about a girl who was bullied to death. A girl took her own life because the people around her acted like a pack of beady eyed vultures. That's sick, for people who call ourselves 'humans,' we're really just animals. And recently I read a similar story about two different guys in two different states who took their own lives because of bullying.

Whatever sick satisfaction someone gets from hurting another is NOT worth a person's life.

So if you bully other people, cut it out. Whatever dumb grudge that's festering inside of you, it's not worth it. I don't know of a reason that is ever worth it so just LET IT GO.

Even with a bit of a bitter taste in my mouth, I will still, and always will, leave you with this...

Peace and happiness to all :)

Humbly yours,

Brian J

edited by Thomas Manton

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