Sunday, November 14, 2010

Here we go again...

"...I kinda want to be more than friends"

Man I really like that song, I think Neon Trees did a pretty good job with that one. And it kind of ties into what I was thinking of today.

I think sometimes in high school and in life in general things gets blown out of proportion, sometimes things end up going to places you didn't really plan on them going. Of course when I look back at it now, I can kind of laugh at it. I myself was not big on drama in high school, I rarely got myself in sticky situations but if you asked me... there was one situation that really did stick out in my mind. Now I'm not going to bore you with all the details, and I don't want to open up old wounds. But it is safe to say that all parties involved are over it and we actually are cool with each other now. But this is what I actually want to talk about... and don't get me wrong this isn't based on any changes I have seen with anyone, just merely a what if situation.

What if you really cared about a person? I mean legitimately liked the person in question and let's just say for whatever reason, things didn't work out. And I mean really didn't work out, that things got sour and then continue to go downhill. And ended in the worse possible fashion, hence the high school "blowing out of proportion" paragraph. What if now that years have gone by and apologies have been made, that person has come to the conclusion that they might have made a mistake. They now realize that you were the best person they could have had but they didn't just go for it because their mind was clouded at the time. And don't get me wrong that isn't the situation I am in now. Just something I was thinking about...

If that is the case, what do you do in that situation? Does this count as a second time around? I mean I am all for second chances but don't you think that ship set sail a long time ago? I don't know, it is a very weird situation to say the least. It should be a no brainer, but I don't think things in life are ever that simple.

Let's say a dog owner prepared tacos for himself one night. Everyone who has ever owned a dog in the history of mankind knows that dogs would rather eat what we eat, and not the food we give them. So if those tacos were left unattended then the dog will of course try to eat them. The owner of the dog would then punish the dog. So when tacos are made the next time, even though the dog wants to eat them and will try it's best to eat one, the situation is a little bit different because of what happened before. Of course the dog wants the tacos but because it was punished the first time, it will become more reluctant to try again.

"What are you waitin' for? What are you waitin' for? Say goodbye to my heart tonight"

Peace and happiness to all :)

Humbly yours,

Brian J

edited by Thomas Manton

1 comment:

  1. I dont blog nor do i comment, until today. Like i told you before, you're a great writer Briannn. I look forward to your next blog.

