Monday, May 2, 2011

Until next time...

Hello Friends!

Today is the day, I am finally making my departure from Naples. Its a weird feeling, I don't exactly know how I feel at the moment but as write this now I'm going to miss everyone so much. This is big step in my life. But I will be back that for sure is for certain.

This is not goodbye. I will see you later.

Peace and happiness to all :)

Humbly yours,

Brian J

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

True love...

Hey there!

So as I promised in my very last post, I am going to try and take a swing at what true love is or what it might be like. So for you readers that are in love or have experienced it before please feel free to comment. I would really like to hear everyone's opinion.

When I think of love, the first thing that comes to mind is of course the physical aspect. The burning lust of desire that resides in all of us, the same emotion that in most cases are what actually spark up relationships. I do believe it is important on the road that leads to love but I think it is safe to say that you the reader understands that. Regardless of your sexual orientation when you encounter someone you like that lust is there.

I have had time to think about this and one song that jumps out to me is Paper Planes by M.I.A. and if you have heard this song before then you should be thinking what the fuck am I talking about? But that song always brings me back to a scene in the movie Slumdog millionaire. The scene in the movie when Jamal loses Latika for the first time. And in turn leaves him with his older brother Salim on a train. It  might have been Salim's fault that he lost Latika right there and then. And of course the love that Jamal and Latika exhibits in this film is a prime example of what true love is but I want to explore the love between the two brothers.

In that very scene on top of the train you get the sense that Jamal and Salim have devolved a its us against the world attitude. It isn't anything new to the movie but I think it is really cemented in this scene. That no matter what happens to us, I got your back. I think this concept is very vital for true love to exist. Along with the lust and lovey dovey emotions, a form of what these two brothers had has to be evident. That mutually you have to be willing to do anything to keep up with each others well being. I hope that one day I will find the person I am willing to sacrifice everything to make them happy and have her feel the same way.

While I haven't found true love for myself yet, I don't think it its a concept to throw around lightly. There are three lethal words that should never be said if you don't mean them. "I Love You". Love springs Eternal. And when you say it this should also ring true...

"Loved is not a word. Because love is forever, and never can be used in past tense. So when i say i love you, you know where you stand."

Peace and Happiness to all :)

Humbly yours,

Brian J

Thursday, March 24, 2011

"What's love worth?" (The first sonnet)...

Supp Playas???

My compassion for writing and story telling started at a very early age. Actually I was eight when I wrote my first story. In retrospect, my editor Tom would have nightmares trying to edit that first story of mines. My spelling was horrible, I used no punctuations or periods. But as you can see my writing has evolved by a large margin since then. But it was not until my senior year in high school I developed an appetite for structural poetry or to be more specific, sonnets. Take a look at the first one I ever wrote....

With love, is it always all or nothing?
to spend yourself for that one pretty person
always ready to give the sealing ring
to live life like she was the mighty sun

One sitting in place will of course say yes
always willing to run the endless race
that sweet love is felt with all of one's chest
never ever yielding to see that face

I say love is a flaming two edge sword
cutting down anyone who isn't careful
pretty and shining but can't be adored
its a thief that seems to be cheerful

love takes away leaving any man so broke
it will laugh and degrade like any sick joke.

Reading this, I have come to realize that when it comes to writing, may it be a song, a poem, or whatever it is, it is so easy to write about the negative aspects of love. Even if you don't have first hand experience of what it is that you're writing about. For instance, this poem has nothing to do with my life exactly. So what I want to do is for next month's spotlight post, a totally 180. I haven't experience what true love is yet but I want to try an express or understand what that might be like. So until then...

Peace and Happiness to all :)

Humbly yours,

Brian J

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Hit the ground running...

What is good readers?

In the developmental  stages of this blog post I was unsure of what to title it. It could of easily became Spreading my wings part three. But what your are about to read is more of an extension of Spreading my wings part two. And since I kind of insulted the Lion King serious in that post I'm not going to name it Spreading my wings part one and a half, regardless, that would be silly. You the reader can dub it however you like, but with the way I am feeling now I think the title I have chosen supersedes what I intend to express.

I have approximately two months before I go, and it can't come any sooner. To get away from Naples and to finally begin chapter one of my life. What is actually funny about my journey through the military up to this point is that it really took awhile for things to finally align for me. And I just don't mean the big time gap in between high school and now. What some people do not know is that the Air Force was not my first choice. The Marines was, and then the Army, and now the Air Force . What truly is hysterical is that my plans with the Marines are completely different from the plans I have for myself now.  

With the Marines my plan was that I wanted to end up here, back in Naples. I was going to go through three hard months of basic training. Then twenty-nine days of military combat training, and finally learn my MOS (military occupational specialty) which varies with what job you select. The time that takes is based on what job you get. I wanted to do all that so I could come back to Naples, my "home". To become a full time student at possibly Ave Maria, and a part time Marine. I thought it was a good deal, and don't get me wrong it is. But it wasn't exactly what I wanted, I was just high off the hype the recruiter was feeding me.

Respect your elders. Don't just hear their words but also listen.

What truly changed my mind about my decision concerning the military was my sister Cindy and her husband Eric (both are actually in the Army). The council I received from them was tremendously helpful, I learned a lot from them. But one of the BIGGEST things I learned from them, what I had not accounted of until then, was the changes I would go through. And what Naples would be like for me once I got back. Everything in Naples would be the same except for me. Naples is my home, but I have done it all already. There isn't anything left for me to see or do here and it is understandable for me to want to stay. But the home that was created here was created by my parents. They are far away from where they originally called home. I think that rings true for everyone, and if it doesn't it will someday. That for me, I have to get out there and create my own home. That leaving the nest also means leaving this city behind, with that being said...


In the Air Force , while you are at tech school learning your MOS you get to create a dream list. A dream list is comprised of eight locations in where you want to serve. And if I can help it none of my choices will be stateside. I'm thinking, Japan, England, Italy, France, Germany, Hawaii, wherever that is far from here. I am a young man and I want to travel and why not now? 

So like the title of this post implies, I want to hit the ground running. And once I do, I don't see a single obstacle stopping me. And once I am on my way, I will not stop. Not even to look over my shoulder. Trust me there is nothing to see back there.

Change. I am truly flabbergasted at how quickly things can change.

Peace and Happiness to all. :)

Humbly yours,

Brian J

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

My Faith...

Hey there readers!

On November 20th 2010 I posted "If God had a dick, you would suck it..." But like I wrote at the end of that post I didn't say really ALL that I wanted to say. I am hoping that this post will give you a little more insight on how I feel. Now remember this is MY opinion and please don't get offended, if you want to comment or question anything please be my guest.

In Mid-December of last year my friend Richy who also has a blog wrote a post called "F-A-I-T-H continued". In that post he sums up how he feels about religion. What you are about to read is actually what I commented in response to his blog...

I will start with the whole praising the Lord and giving him thanks for your life thing. The way you are suppose to look at Jesus (who is God, in my faith) is the same way you look at your parents but on a much grander scale. The way I look at it personally is that my parents don't owe me anything. I don't always agree with them or the decisions that they make. In my most vulnerable time in my life my parents looked after me. They clothed me, they feed me, and they provided a warm safe place for me to lay my head at night. That alone is enough, they didn't have to do those things. So just the same way you should give thanks to your parents you should give thanks to Jesus. Because where did your parents come from ultimately? They nurture us, they gave us life. It is the same with God "The father" but what makes it a bit different is that we are all his children. He sees all of us as the baby who needs to be nurture. Without our parents we would not be here today.

Then you hit a bit on the whole Universalism thing. The way it works in my faith is that yes even Hitler could have obtain salvation. All he had to do before he died was to come before Jesus and repent of all his sins and ask Jesus to be his personal savior. But trust me that little fucker is in Hell. But what people would ask how can that be? Our salvation is not based on how much good or bad we do in this world. We are all sinners by nature, so it doesn't matter as long as you accept Jesus and live as close as possible to how he lived. Another way to look at is that yes Hitler did a lot of bad things but a thing we don't realize or can't begin to comprehend is that God is all powerful. God can do far worse then any human being on this earth can do. He could end all life as we know it right now, he doesn't have anyone else to answer to. There isn't a single thing that happens to anyone good or bad that God doesn't intend to happen. There isn't anything that happens that God could not stop. Everything truly happens for a reason. We could never understand him and why the things of this world happen to people (partly our fault, Adam and Eve, Genesis) but God has the blueprint in his hands. He can see the BIG picture.

Then there is the whole Christians VS. Catholics. They are very similar and they did all branch from the same thing. But there are some huge differences that set them apart. It is true that all got their start with Judaism. The Jews where God's chosen people in the Old testament, which actually is their Bible. But what cause the first split is that when Jesus came along he became the messiah that the Jews where suppose to be looking for. But what ended up happening was they said no Jesus is not it, and the search continues for them. Then There is the Christians. I believe give or take Catholics fall under the same umbrella. But huge difference with them is that they worship the Virgin Mary as much as if not more then Jesus. The Jesus who is actually God in the flesh. To a Baptist (as you know I am) that is a big no no. Because yea she gave the virgin birth to Jesus but guess what? She wasn't a virgin long after that. Jesus had brothers, and there is only one Virgin birth in the history of mankind. The whole new testament is about Jesus first coming on earth, it is basically his biography. And as a baptist we do believe what all of the bible says.

"I don't believe that I should have to believe in God to go to a good place after I die. I know deep down I am a good person. I can account for my own actions."

Regardless of any actions you might make in your life. You alone can not save yourself. It doesn't not matter if your good deeds out way the bad. The only way to get to heaven is through Jesus.

Peace and Happiness to all :)

Humbly yours,

Brian J

Monday, February 14, 2011

Spreading my wings part two...

What's good readers?

So finally we are back at the next installment that I am doing on the Air Force . My one true goal I hope to accomplish with this post is do the first post a little justice. It has been my experience that originals are always far better then any remake or sequel could ever be. Let's face it, Lion King 2 is nobody's favorite movie.


That is my official date.

That is when I say good bye to Naples once and for all.In my November 10th 2010 post titled "Womp, womp, womp... :/) I wrote... " If I died today, not even 10% of what I would like to do for myself would be accomplished. Epic fail. Epic fail in it's highest regard. But I've got plenty of time right? Instant gratification can be a real bitch ey? But that's what our world is coming to nowadays. How fast can I get it? If I can get it here, I'll get it here. But if I can get it there, then I'll go over there. Patience is key. But it's hard when you feel like your running out of time. All Time Low said it the best. "I want to be weightless, and that be should enough." But it won't be...

Well not anymore, I'm aiming for straight fire. I think I have been patiently waiting for too long. But for what? My life will begin, my wings will spread, and I will take flight. I'm not exactly sure about my destination but it will be far, far away from shitty old Naples. I will become someone or something but I just haven't figured it out yet."

I know in my first post on this subject I mentioned that I was afraid. Not about what could happen to me, but what kind of person I would become. That is not the case anymore. Over the last couple of months I have come to realize this. For me to achieve all the things that I want to do, to get that straight fire, I have to change.  There is always room for improvement. Not everyone is going to like it, but it really is what is best for me. I'm no Peter Pan. The necessary changes will be made, I have to grow up to be Brian John Cummings. Changes are a BIG part of life, every obstacle you face you got to take in strive. Cause one day you'll look up and realize, you've been left behind. 

 And I still haven't figured it out yet, but I am confident that all the pieces are there and I just need to put them together. In the spring of 2009, The King of Pop, Micheal Jackson was rehearsing to put on his final concert performance. We all know that he didn't quite get there. But the title of this concert was "This is it." Those three simple words sum it up for me. This is it. It isn't glorified as anything Micheal Jackson could of done, but that is where I am now. I am on the threshold and I can't wait to get in.

My life will begin, my wings will spread, and I will take flight. 

I hope you, my faithful reader, gained something by reading my blog. I just wanted to note since I am not blogging as I usually am, I will make it a habit to post once a month. As always your comments are greatly appreciated so please feel free to comment on anything you read. If there is a topic you want to hear my opinion on let me know and I will try my best to post on it. :)

Peace and Happiness to all. :)

Humbly yours,

Brian J

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

January, Anti-Flagging Awareness Month...

Happy New Year!!!

This is the first post of the year and I want to jump straight into it. Just to be clear on what "flagging" is before I continue I will define it for you. Flagging- Is the act of bailing on set plans. And as the title of this post implies January is the unofficial month for raising awareness against Flagging.

Don't be a flagger.

Especially if its a date. There isn't anything more annoying then the feeling that comes when you get flagged on. You don't wanna be that girl. I know that girl and she's stale. If you don't plan to hangout with someone in the first place then just don't set it up. I just don't like to have my time wasted, if I say I'm going to do something I am going to do it. I always try and keep my word.

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you may have done something to upset someone but you are not exactly sure? And then when you try and find out what is wrong the person ignores you so things stay at a stand still. It is very vexing. If I express interest in any individual, then it$ is genuine. If I say I want to hangout, it is real. And if I say that I like you, then it is legit. I'm pretty sure I have stated this before. I do not play games. First of all because it wastes a lot of time. Furthermore because it very easy to mix signals and get the wrong results. I will also openly admit because I am not very good at it. I rather be honest with someone then play hide and seek. The very truth of the matter is, if you give me a pop quiz and I don't know the curriculum, I will fail.  

So please to anyone who is reading this. Let everyone else know that January is anti-flagging awareness month. Tell your mom, tell your dad, and all your friends. If you make a plan, then please follow through. It isn't pleasant to to be on a receiving end of a flag. So you shouldn't do it either.

Peace and Happiness to all :)

Humbly yours,

Brian J