Monday, February 14, 2011

Spreading my wings part two...

What's good readers?

So finally we are back at the next installment that I am doing on the Air Force . My one true goal I hope to accomplish with this post is do the first post a little justice. It has been my experience that originals are always far better then any remake or sequel could ever be. Let's face it, Lion King 2 is nobody's favorite movie.


That is my official date.

That is when I say good bye to Naples once and for all.In my November 10th 2010 post titled "Womp, womp, womp... :/) I wrote... " If I died today, not even 10% of what I would like to do for myself would be accomplished. Epic fail. Epic fail in it's highest regard. But I've got plenty of time right? Instant gratification can be a real bitch ey? But that's what our world is coming to nowadays. How fast can I get it? If I can get it here, I'll get it here. But if I can get it there, then I'll go over there. Patience is key. But it's hard when you feel like your running out of time. All Time Low said it the best. "I want to be weightless, and that be should enough." But it won't be...

Well not anymore, I'm aiming for straight fire. I think I have been patiently waiting for too long. But for what? My life will begin, my wings will spread, and I will take flight. I'm not exactly sure about my destination but it will be far, far away from shitty old Naples. I will become someone or something but I just haven't figured it out yet."

I know in my first post on this subject I mentioned that I was afraid. Not about what could happen to me, but what kind of person I would become. That is not the case anymore. Over the last couple of months I have come to realize this. For me to achieve all the things that I want to do, to get that straight fire, I have to change.  There is always room for improvement. Not everyone is going to like it, but it really is what is best for me. I'm no Peter Pan. The necessary changes will be made, I have to grow up to be Brian John Cummings. Changes are a BIG part of life, every obstacle you face you got to take in strive. Cause one day you'll look up and realize, you've been left behind. 

 And I still haven't figured it out yet, but I am confident that all the pieces are there and I just need to put them together. In the spring of 2009, The King of Pop, Micheal Jackson was rehearsing to put on his final concert performance. We all know that he didn't quite get there. But the title of this concert was "This is it." Those three simple words sum it up for me. This is it. It isn't glorified as anything Micheal Jackson could of done, but that is where I am now. I am on the threshold and I can't wait to get in.

My life will begin, my wings will spread, and I will take flight. 

I hope you, my faithful reader, gained something by reading my blog. I just wanted to note since I am not blogging as I usually am, I will make it a habit to post once a month. As always your comments are greatly appreciated so please feel free to comment on anything you read. If there is a topic you want to hear my opinion on let me know and I will try my best to post on it. :)

Peace and Happiness to all. :)

Humbly yours,

Brian J


  1. I think this is great, it's a good opportunity to further explore the outside of this box we call Naples and develop your true self. Changes happen one way or another, it's just a matter of time and the step your taking is very important and I'm sure you'll do just fine, I have faith in you and the decisions you'll be making to complete yourself as a person. Real talk, I'm proud of you man! Wish you the best, and good luck! You'll have lots of fun, that's always good :D

  2. You know brian it's funny how things work out. We wanted to go to valencia and ucf and live the college life together. ever since we were in middle school it's all we would talk about after high school. and somehow we split paths.

    youve inspired me too in many ways and taught me many things and helped me better myself as a person. depending on how things go, i might join the military one day as well, just like my dad. we are like blood brothers and maybe one day, we will be brothers in arms. shoot for the stars my friend, one day you will be something great and i can see it along with everyone else. that silly bagger who eats chinese food in the breakroom when he's suppose to be cleaning the bathrooms will go far in life.

    you know that if you ever need help with anything. i got your back and i will always be there for you. i have all the faith in the world in you and i believe you can do anything you want. but while you're climbing to the top, make the best out of it and have some fun :)
    your best friend.

  3. Lion King Two is great.
