Friday, August 24, 2012

Chick-fil-A said WHAT...

 Hello and what's good friends?

So you might have guessed that this post is related to the subject of gay marriage and that whole Chick-fil-A uproar that was in the news recently. I really try and stay away from these matters but I have a blog, I should use it for something right? Its my understanding that the CEO or one of the top hats of the company was asked what his position on gay marriage was. He responded with something along the lines of "I support traditional marriage". If you have been following the story then you know about the negative backlash he and his company have received. Honestly I don't get it at all, people must have forgotten that we live in America. That statement was his own personal belief that has nothing to do with the business side of Chick-fil-A, I guess freedom of speech doesn't exist anymore. There is something I want to point out...

When we were kids, at least when I was, when you thought of people getting married you usually thought of a man and women getting married. But more importantly where was the location? You always imagined that it was being held in the church. I mean nowadays people can get married anywhere, on the beach in Hawaii, on a fancy golf resort, or some even have it at their own home. But people seem to forget that marriage was something that started in the church, that getting married was something institutionalized in the church. Where did the church come from? The Bible. If you know anything about the bible then you know that it doesn't mesh well with gay people. They are like water and oil, they just don't mix. We all have a understanding of who Adam and Eve was. God didn't create Adam, then create Eve and Steve. Adam wasn't given an option on who he wanted to be with. I believe in what the bible says, so by default I support traditional marriage but...

I am a very tolerant person, I have zero problems with gay people. I feel that whoever it is that you are sexually attracted to is your business. I can never judge you, because we all are people. By no means do I sit above anyone else, I will never be in a position to judge anyone for what it is that they want. So lets say that gay marriage gets legalized in all 50 states, I wouldn't riot in the streets or even really care. At that point it is your choice and no one will be able to take that away from you. At that junction in time, me believing that its wrong will just be my opinion. If I found out that one of my closest friends in the world was gay and he wanted me to be the best man at his wedding, I say lets do it. To me he will always be my friend before I would think that he was gay. But what really grinds my gears...

The fact that people would stop eating there because someone has their own personal opinion. There is a fine line between annoyed and upset. What really irked me is that I saw a picture on Facebook that  people who supported Chick-fil-A where in the same boat as the guys who founded the KKK... like really? That is completely off base and super distasteful. It would be a different story if this company denied gay people service or didn't give them jobs based on their sexual orientation. If that was the case, then of course they would be wrong. But to connect that or even suggest there is a correlation is down right... for lack of a better word.. retarded. I understand that we as humans can get really sensitive to things we don't agree with but at the same time why cast a negative shadow on something mundane as that? Don't get so twisted out of shape over a personal opinion, we do live in America right? Last time I checked, Chick-fil-A didn't come up with our national policy on gay marriage. Trust me, your fight against them and their mouth watering sandwiches will be in vain.

On a lighter note it would be funny if he used that comment as a marketing device to increase sales. On one hand you got the people who support traditional marriage, you got people who support it also but doesn't really care either way, and then people who down right don't care either way all going to get Chick-fil-A. I'm sure everyone also hear the story of the supporters all going out to get food there, I have first hand knowledge, the store here was packed. Just putting the thought of Chick-fil-A in peoples minds made them want to go get it. Marketing genius, I've had Chick-fil-A about five times since this story broke. Eat Chick-fil-A or don't eat it. I think its fucking delicious, but hey that's just my opinion. Should it or anyone Else's, really effect what you do?

Take life one adventure at a time, and ALWAYS remember that it is a work in progress.

Peace and Happiness to all :)

Humbly yours,

Brian J

Friday, August 17, 2012

Is the grass greener on the other side...

Well damn... Hello.

Its been a very long time since I've done one of these and a lot... a lot.. A LOT of things have happen since I last wrote to you. One post wouldn't even begin to cover what has happen since then, but I'm going to keep it short and sweet. While yes the military is a huge part of my life, it is not the whole thing. I want to knock this one out and dig into other subjects that have been surging through my brain. But before I jump straight back into it I want to give out some shout outs...

First and foremost I would like to thank God, I don't know where I would be without keeping the faith because sometimes that's all a person has. Of course all my family and friends who have supported me throughout all my decisions. But I want to give a special shout out to Tom and Jeni Manton... wow its hard to believe that in my last post you guys were not married yet, but of course congrats you guys did it, you really did it. I can't mention those two without mentioning the little one. Their son, my godson, James Andrew Manton born on June 19th 2012. While the Godfather is a honorable position but hardly ever really that serious, but I know that if anything ever happened to either of them and I had to step up I would be there in a drop of a hat to take care of James. I truly do mean that. So without further ado, let's answer the question shall we? Is the grass greener on the other side?

I say hell yea. Hell yea, hell yea. Fucking right. Damn right, alright.

If I had to stop the post right there I think that should indefinitely answer that question. But one question I do get a lot is, what was basic training like? Which is kind of hard to answer because it is not like anything you've ever experienced before. And honestly there isn't a single thing I could have done to prepare for it. It wasn't anything nice or easy and while you're there you think its the worst thing possible but looking back at it I always smile, because that experience made me stronger and made me the person I am today. I'll attempt to break it down further, the whole idea of basic training is to break you down and mold you into something better. So they try and rid you of all your bad habits and instill discipline. Its almost like going to rehab from yourself, but regardless of anything, no one really can stop you from being you. So yes there is certain things you will look at and never really forget but once you graduate from it, you slowly go back just like any fiend would. No one can really change you. So that definitely was something that will always stay with me and then there was tech school...

If basic training is like jail then tech school would be probation after you got out of jail. So things are not as strict and you get a little bit more freedom because they want you to make a smooth transition back into the real world, but also hang on to the core valves from basic training, I personally loved tech school. My tech school was in California and it was an amazing opportunity, the weather out there is beautiful practically everyday. If it wasn't so expensive there I think I would live there when I decided to get out. Compared to the harsh dry heat of Texas being there was a heavenly change of pace. My tech school was short and sweet, I was only out there for six weeks. Basically at tech school you learn how to do your job. My job in a nutshell? I help manage a fleet of vehicles but where am I now...

Operational Air Force is what they call it. You further learn how to do your job on a real day to day basis but now you get all the free time you need. For me my job is like any other 9 to 5, I go to work and I come home, I also have weekends off. For a lot people in the military that is exactly what it is like. The only real difference is that with being a military citizen there are more rules that they hold you accountable for. Operational is night and day compared to basic training, and just for the record no I don't get yelled at any more. People really seem to think that everything about the military lifestyle is about getting yelled at, that is just in basic training.

In one of my earlier posts I went off on how I was getting out of Florida and really making a way for myself in a different environment but where did I get stationed?  Moody Air Force Base, Georgia only 30 minutes away from the border of Florida... The irony right? I remember when I first told Tom, he laughed at me. But when you really want something you have to work at it. I've only been on this base for under a year and now I'm already packing my bags for the final frontier, Alaska! In only two short weeks they are moving this Florida boy to Alaska! Imagine that I've never seen snow before in my life and honestly I don't even know what to expect but I'm really pumped up about it. Honestly my decision to join the Air Force is the best thing to happen to me. I'm getting back into school and taking college classes and my money stays looking right. Imagine that, how many 21 year old kids do you know who already has retirement fund going and is investing money? I have no regrets. Huuuuuaaaaaaaaa!

Take life one adventure at a time, and ALWAYS remember that it is a work in progress.

Peace and Happiness to all :)

Humbly yours,

Airmen 1st Class Brian J